Ok...so I am kind of embarrassed to say that I have a blog. This is because I have not posted anything about life or anything in the last three months, which is greatly needed. So this post might be quite long, and hope everything makes sense. So here goes :)
So the basic questions might be asked about how life is going, how school is and such. Well here is my tale of the last three months. School is going well. Two more weeks and this semester is almost over. Wow, I can't believe that time has just flown by. It has been a very educational last three months. I have learned so many things about life, the good and the bad. I have really enjoyed my classes. I do have to say one thing about one of my classes...Anthropology. This class has had its moments, but over all, lets just say I will be very excited to be almost over with it. On a better note, like always I love my dance classes. I auditioned and made it into gold 2 latin technique class and I have loved it!! I have learned so much and know even more, that I need to spend more time working really hard on everything I learned. I also have a standard class, which was an adjustment cause standard wasn't really my thing...but it is slowly becoming something I feel ok with. I also have team which has been fun, hard and continuous learning. There were alot of people this semester, and it has been fun getting to know each person. I really enjoy team through all the great and hard moments. So a side note real quick about dance, I got really excited to have decided on an idea for a major. I think I am interested in counciling...yeah, i know...that is really broad. But Just have an idea and need to run with it ;)
Now, onto some more dance. Well a quick update will due. I, like usual, got a new partner this semester...his name is AJ Heaps. Can I just say he is the best partner ever!! We are doing standard and latin together and it has been great. Not going to lie, it took me a while to start to like practicing standard every day...but it is slowly getting there. It has been tons of work, which is totally fine. Just hours of practicing, getting ready for competitions and performances. Overall, it is looking good. I am loving it and can't wait to see what will happen in the future. AJ is great and very talented. I am so thankful for all of his encouragement, his patience and willingness to put up with me. I am excited, this next semester will be a blast!!
Ok, so now moving on from school and dance. Onto LIFE. It is crazy that such a small word holds so much meaning...just saying. Life is grande, but you know, everyone has their moments. Well, lets see...i have four AMAZING roommates, I love them so much. We basically have a party every day and every night. They are such inspirational girls, I hope one day I can be like them. Love them so much. With that comes great friends. I have met so many wonderful people and continue to do so. I am again so blessed to have friends who care and are concerned for me. I just hope that i can do the same and be such a person like that. We are close and have so much fun. The parties will live on and be fun as always.
Other quick updates. My brother Nathan is doing amazing on his mission in Brazil. I love hearing from him each week, to hear about all of his experiences, what he has learned, the people he teaches and serves. He is my hero, I have learned so much from him. He is helping so many people and bringing such a great light into the lives of others. Along with that Keenan is doing a great job as well serving the people in Texas. It is great receiving inspirational letters. I am learning so much and enjoy hearing from him. I hope one day i can help him same way he is for me.
Lastly, I can not continue on without saying how blessed and thankful I am for life and everything. I am so blessed to be who I am and be surrounded with people that want to help and such an awesome family. I think I take things for granted and need to stop. Life is just amazing...live everyday and every moment like that. All things happen for a reason, with it either being good and bad, things happen. I have learned so much and continue to do so. I love it!! :) :0
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Back in School
Wow it has been almost a month since I have written and there is so much to say. I hope I am able to catch up with everything and that things can make sense. So the last bit of summer was great and I loved it so much. But now school has started again and I am excited and nervous at the same time.
So this last week was the first day of school. I can't believe that I am starting my second year at BYU. My first year was amazing, met great people and learned so much. I loved every moment. So another year has started and with new goals, new classes and new experiences. But the start of this year has been harder than I anticipated. Well I have learned that life has unexpected moments and it is how you deal with them that matters.
Anyways, school starts and it was stressful. One reason for that was of course dance. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love dance but I have figured out that this is one of my trials in life. I don't mean to linger on this point very long, but from this I have learned that everything works out. Most of the time it is not what you always want, but what the Lord sees best for you. I have learned alot from this trial in my life, and I am still continuing to do so. I just know that I need to work even harder and even more to be able to reach my goal in life. So, I will try not to give up.
But through all of this, I have learned how really and truly blessed I am. This is what I want to focus on. I have always known and continuing to know that I am so blessed with all the blessing in my life. I am blessed with so many amazing, talented and great people. I know that I can always talk and depend on my great friends. I am so blessed to be going to an amazing school, to be able to dance and to have great roommates. I am who I am because of all those who are in my life...thank you!!
So this last week was the first day of school. I can't believe that I am starting my second year at BYU. My first year was amazing, met great people and learned so much. I loved every moment. So another year has started and with new goals, new classes and new experiences. But the start of this year has been harder than I anticipated. Well I have learned that life has unexpected moments and it is how you deal with them that matters.
Anyways, school starts and it was stressful. One reason for that was of course dance. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love dance but I have figured out that this is one of my trials in life. I don't mean to linger on this point very long, but from this I have learned that everything works out. Most of the time it is not what you always want, but what the Lord sees best for you. I have learned alot from this trial in my life, and I am still continuing to do so. I just know that I need to work even harder and even more to be able to reach my goal in life. So, I will try not to give up.
But through all of this, I have learned how really and truly blessed I am. This is what I want to focus on. I have always known and continuing to know that I am so blessed with all the blessing in my life. I am blessed with so many amazing, talented and great people. I know that I can always talk and depend on my great friends. I am so blessed to be going to an amazing school, to be able to dance and to have great roommates. I am who I am because of all those who are in my life...thank you!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Facing the Future
Wow, it has been some time since I have written. Life is flying by so fast and I can't believe it! There has been a lot that has happened and all for the better. I have been thinking more lately and I can't believe where my life has taken me. As I look back, I would have never have planned life to be like this. It has been better than I can ever imagine.
By saying that I have to explain. So Keenan has been out on his mission for almost a week. It has been crazy that he is already gone. But there is nothing wrong with that. He is growing so much and I can't wait to see what he will do in the next two years. He is ready for this and will have the time of his life. I look up to him so much and am always learning from him. He has been great and has changed my life. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to date him and continue to be his friend.
I am just sitting here reviewing everything in my head and it sounds a lot better than what I am able to type. It is really starting to hit me how fast life is and how easy it is to change. That is both exciting and frightening for me. But there is faith and with that everything is better. I am truly so blessed with amazing friends that are always here to help me. I loose sight of that alot and am afraid I don't say, "thank you" enough, but I truly am. I would be no where without my friends and family. A new leaf is ready to be turned over and I am so exited. Excited that fall semester starts soon, excited to dance more and be in school. I just LOVE IT and had to write all of this down. So i guess we will see how everything goes ;)
By saying that I have to explain. So Keenan has been out on his mission for almost a week. It has been crazy that he is already gone. But there is nothing wrong with that. He is growing so much and I can't wait to see what he will do in the next two years. He is ready for this and will have the time of his life. I look up to him so much and am always learning from him. He has been great and has changed my life. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to date him and continue to be his friend.
I am just sitting here reviewing everything in my head and it sounds a lot better than what I am able to type. It is really starting to hit me how fast life is and how easy it is to change. That is both exciting and frightening for me. But there is faith and with that everything is better. I am truly so blessed with amazing friends that are always here to help me. I loose sight of that alot and am afraid I don't say, "thank you" enough, but I truly am. I would be no where without my friends and family. A new leaf is ready to be turned over and I am so exited. Excited that fall semester starts soon, excited to dance more and be in school. I just LOVE IT and had to write all of this down. So i guess we will see how everything goes ;)
Friday, July 23, 2010
Dear Elder Nathan Baker
So my brother left this week on Tuesday to go to Brazil to serve a two year mission and I am very excited for him. Don't get me wrong, I miss him a ton, but I know this is where he is suppose to be. I can't wait to hear all about his experiences and what he will learn. My brother is absolutely amazing and just have to write how much I love him.
Nathan is one of a kind guy. He is smart, witty and fun to be around. He is the perfect brother and I love him so much. He came with me to BYU the last fall and winter semesters. It was such a blessing having my brother come to college with me. We made a new tradition where we met every week and had lunch together. We caught up on life and how college was treating us. It was so much fun and I will miss that a lot. I learned so much from my brother and he taught me a lot about life. He was always there if I ever need something or help on homework. These next two years will be different and interesting with out him here.
Yes, it will be different, but I wouldn't want him to be anywhere else. He will work wonders in Brazil and I know that his life will be changed. He will experience weaknesses and learn more about him strengths. That is what a mission is suppose to do, and I know he will do it!! I am here supporting him all the way through and can't wait to see how he will bless others. I love my brother and he will be great! Thanks Nathan for being an outstanding brother!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade!!
WOW I can't believe that it is July 2nd. Life is just flying by and soon enough it will be the end of summer and I will be...what the heck? Where has the time gone? Well I a have learned so much in life right now and I want to write down many things and give things in my life credit and justice. I love it!!

I just recently got back from visiting my family for five days between the spring and summer terms here at BYU. I absolutely loved it!! We went up to Breckenridge where our time share is and had such a blast. I just called and see how I love them so much. My family is just amazing. All my siblings are home except me and I am very sad. I want life to continue on, but at the same time, I don't. They love me so much and support my decision of staying in school and dancing, but not going to lie...it has been really hard to be away from home. In about two weeks my brother, Nahtan, will be leaving on his mission to Brazil. I can't believe that is happening!! Time has flown by so fast. He just told me, "Laura I miss you so much, you need to come home!!" Tears are swelling up in my eyes, I am going to be very sad when Nathan leaves, but I know that is what he needs to be doing in life. He is so ready to go, and that will be hard, but I know he will become such a better person because of it!! I totally support him :) I am so excited to see what experiences he will have on his mission and all of his stories!!

On top of that my best friend and the wonderful person I am dating leaves on Aug. 4th for his mission. This will be hard as well, but I know this is what he needs to be doing in life as well. So I can't wait to see how he progresses and learns so much on his mission. I know it will be hard, but he will grow so much and I hope I do too!! But I am so glad that i have been able to be with him, I have learned so much from him and want to continue on doing so. Besides the stories of my two men in life leaving, I have been having a fun time getting to know people and becoming closer friends to those I know. I hope everyone may know how grateful I am to have everyone in my life. I know I am a better person because of that and I thank you. I am really grateful for Caitlin and her willingness to be my roommate and my best friend. I am learning so much from her and love her example.
As life goes on and I look back, I realize that school, relationships, and life is just hard. But I love the saying, "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade!!" That puts a smile on my face every time. But that is so so true! Things many times don't work out they way you want it to be. But working with what you got, can be even better. I know that things can't be done without the Lord's help and your trust in Him. I am slowly starting to understand my relationship with Him and am loving the great friendship. life isn't easy, and it isn't suppose to be. That is how we grow. Treasure that and wait and see how you become an amazing person. That is one thing I have learned. But I wouldn't change anything because life is so great! I just wanted to write this and say how much I love my family, keenan, friends and all my experiences. Thanks for making me the person I am now. I am ready to continue on taking on the world and enjoying every moment and every single day!!

I just recently got back from visiting my family for five days between the spring and summer terms here at BYU. I absolutely loved it!! We went up to Breckenridge where our time share is and had such a blast. I just called and see how I love them so much. My family is just amazing. All my siblings are home except me and I am very sad. I want life to continue on, but at the same time, I don't. They love me so much and support my decision of staying in school and dancing, but not going to lie...it has been really hard to be away from home. In about two weeks my brother, Nahtan, will be leaving on his mission to Brazil. I can't believe that is happening!! Time has flown by so fast. He just told me, "Laura I miss you so much, you need to come home!!" Tears are swelling up in my eyes, I am going to be very sad when Nathan leaves, but I know that is what he needs to be doing in life. He is so ready to go, and that will be hard, but I know he will become such a better person because of it!! I totally support him :) I am so excited to see what experiences he will have on his mission and all of his stories!!
On top of that my best friend and the wonderful person I am dating leaves on Aug. 4th for his mission. This will be hard as well, but I know this is what he needs to be doing in life as well. So I can't wait to see how he progresses and learns so much on his mission. I know it will be hard, but he will grow so much and I hope I do too!! But I am so glad that i have been able to be with him, I have learned so much from him and want to continue on doing so. Besides the stories of my two men in life leaving, I have been having a fun time getting to know people and becoming closer friends to those I know. I hope everyone may know how grateful I am to have everyone in my life. I know I am a better person because of that and I thank you. I am really grateful for Caitlin and her willingness to be my roommate and my best friend. I am learning so much from her and love her example.
As life goes on and I look back, I realize that school, relationships, and life is just hard. But I love the saying, "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade!!" That puts a smile on my face every time. But that is so so true! Things many times don't work out they way you want it to be. But working with what you got, can be even better. I know that things can't be done without the Lord's help and your trust in Him. I am slowly starting to understand my relationship with Him and am loving the great friendship. life isn't easy, and it isn't suppose to be. That is how we grow. Treasure that and wait and see how you become an amazing person. That is one thing I have learned. But I wouldn't change anything because life is so great! I just wanted to write this and say how much I love my family, keenan, friends and all my experiences. Thanks for making me the person I am now. I am ready to continue on taking on the world and enjoying every moment and every single day!!
Friday, June 11, 2010

So I tend to think a lot and since it is summer, I have more time to do so. Life is just so amazing and there are so many wonderful opportunities. I look back and see how much everything has happened. I never imagined that things would work out this way, but it has been so good. Finishing my first year at college has really changed my prospective on things.
I don't want this blog to be boring at all. But I have to write down how blessed and thankful I am. I am so blessed with an amazing family who supports me and loves me no matter what. I know I can always count on them. I am so thankful for them, they are who I am. I am so blessed with outstanding friends. For some time I didn't know how I would fit into the new world of college. It has taken me sometime, but I now I have been befriended by the most incredible people. I can't stop feeling so happy and am so grateful. I am so blessed to be going to BYU and having the opportunity to dance. It has been hard, but that is the way life is and how one grows. I am thankful for this. As strange as this might sound, I am thankful for heartache. Heartache is really hard, but this makes you a stronger person. I wouldn't change anything and am glad to be at this point in life. I just hope to continue growing and grow into a great person. I just had to write this down, thanks!!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
New Prospective
This past week has been kind of hard for me. I have been struggling with many things in life and seem to be standing immovable, confused and worried. But from past experiences like this I have learned that this type of mentality doesn't get me anywhere. I have released that the only way I can progress and move on is to change my prospective. This might be hard, but I am ready to do so.
So I begin by stop worrying about myself. I need to change my prospective to my Savior, Jesus Christ. He knows what I am going through and that I need a friend. But I first need to be a friend to Him. My plan is to list ten things I am thankful for. I am so blessed and have been blind to this, this last week. The list:
1. My Savior
2. For life
3. Family, friends
4. Dance
5. The sun each and everyday
6. The ability to smile and laugh
7. Opportunities to grow
8. Chocolate
9. Education
10. Love
There are so much much more I am thankful for, but this is a start to my new prospective. I want to become a better person and figure things out in life. I know i have a very long way to go, but the road starts here and I everything starts with a first step in the right direction.
So I begin by stop worrying about myself. I need to change my prospective to my Savior, Jesus Christ. He knows what I am going through and that I need a friend. But I first need to be a friend to Him. My plan is to list ten things I am thankful for. I am so blessed and have been blind to this, this last week. The list:
1. My Savior
2. For life
3. Family, friends
4. Dance
5. The sun each and everyday
6. The ability to smile and laugh
7. Opportunities to grow
8. Chocolate
9. Education
10. Love
There are so much much more I am thankful for, but this is a start to my new prospective. I want to become a better person and figure things out in life. I know i have a very long way to go, but the road starts here and I everything starts with a first step in the right direction.
Monday, May 24, 2010

Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face. Emotion of sadness swelled uncontrollably and I didn't know what to do. All I could do was to cry my eyes out. So that is what I did...I cried, cried and cried. After composing myself I sat back and started to think. I seem to be crying more often than usual...but everyone needs a good cry once in a while. And in this situation there seems to be two ways to handle it.
There is the option of continuing to cry and do nothing but cry. Although that sounds the easier way, there always comes a time that crying isn't the way to figure things out. The other option was to stop crying, pick myself up, brush off the dust and move on. This is what I am trying to do and this alone is a hard thing to do. I have found that in this act alone heart ache happens, but eventually you become a stronger person. That is what I am trying to remind myself and that everything always works out the way it is suppose to. Crying usually comes with the territory. But I am grateful for these moments because that is when I discover more about myself and my life.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Footsteps of the future

Today has been a day for me of thinking and trying to start on the road that points a direction in my life. I feel like sometimes, or most of the time, I am standing in an endless maze that just is confusing and I don't know where to start. I have felt this way off and on with my life, but more so about trying to figure out my future. This is a daunting task for me and i don't think I have the courage to move my feet. But then I realize that I am always talking about "me, me, me". When in reality this is not the case. I am not alone, I have my loving and guiding Heavenly Father always there to help me.
I love to read books and one book I am reading is called The Promise of Enough by Emily Freeman. I am really liking this book, but one thing she wrote stuck me today. She says, "He is greater than a problem I will encounter during my mortal existence. Often it is only after I have taken the time to remember God's greatness and His ability to work wonders in my life that I finally find the peace I am looking for. Then, I set a plan to do my very best to solve the problem, knowing that after all I can do, He will take care of the rest."
This i guess just made me stop and think even more. I realized that I need to trust more and exercise more faith. Because everything works out. Many times it isn't the way you expect it or the timing either, but it does happen.After coming to this realization all I need to do is pick up my feet and make my footsteps into my future with the Lord's help always!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Chocolate and strawberries

Chocolate...Strawberries...Can I say that I love love love chocolate and strawberries. I think those are my two favorite foods, I eat them whenever and whatever mood I am in. LOVE IT!!!! As I look back over the past couple of weeks there has been chocolate and strawberries...hands down. Lets see, when I am with my favorite friends these two food groups are present. The first Sunday epic picnic, going to Bridal Falls, eating at Zupas, movie nights and just a handy snack.
Chocolate and strawberries have brought me closer to three people in particular. Caitlin, Cortney and I made a tradition of having a Sunday picnic after church and so we did. We brought along chocolate and strawberries. We just had a girls day out, talking about everything and anyone...You know what girls talk about ;) We then had a movie night one night and guess two foods was there?...You are right, chocolate and strawberries!!! We shared another fun filled night with talking, laughing and growing closer as best friends that do! However, my favorite person enjoyed a moment spent with chocolate and strawberries. Keenan and I went out to eat at Zupas...the best place ever. We had a great dinner, talking about everything, life, fun times and basically everything. At then end, guess what was waiting? A chocolate covered strawberry!!
Ok, so don't get my wrong chocolate and strawberries is probably one of the best things in the world. But what I love more about it, are the people who you share those moments with. Cortney and Caitlin are two amazing gals ever. I look up to them so so much. They both are absolutely beautiful, so talented, great personalities, loves the gospel and are just great friends. Keenan is an amazing boyfriend, but more than that he is my best friend. He is always there to listen to me, and I love learning from him each and every day. He is the smartest person and it is so much fun picking his brain,lol. He is the greatest blessing ever. So, I guess i have learned that chocolate and strawberries is amazing...but it is more than that. It is those sweet moments in life that really counts. Those are the times where you learn, grow as a person and meet people. Those are the moments you remember when times are hard, and what you want in life. Then those are the people you become best friends with. I love the quote that goes something like this... "It isn't the breaths in a moment, but the moments that take your breath away." Ok, honestly I just messed that completely up. But I hope you get what I mean. It is all about the moments in life that take your breath away and not the amount of breaths you take. These moments that I have experienced with these three amazing people, I want to cherish forever!!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The beginning of my blog!
So, my friend just helped me create my blog and I got really excited. Most of my friends have a blog and I see how much they love to post and keep up with each other. I was like, "What the heck?" I need to do that! So here I am writing how excited I am for my new blog. But this a true statement. I have always felt like I can write things down better than sometimes when I say things. But now as I think, I want to be able to write anything I want on this blog, and trust me, that will happen. But right now, I just have to say how blessed I am. I have absolutely amazing friends. I love being able to hang out and do fun things all the time with them. I have learned so much and have seen how amazing each of my friends are. I am so so grateful for that! They always keep me going and make sure that party is always going on!!
I have realized that sitting back and thinking about all the things you are grateful for makes everything so much better. I know this is a little random, but one thing about me, is that I tend to be random sometimes. I am so grateful for my friends. For my amazing boyfriend who just makes life happen. I am so blessed to have him in my life, he is my best friend and i can always count on him. I am so grateful to be getting an education, to be able to dance at an amazing university, to have the best family ever, and I guess in short, I am grateful that I am alive!! I can't wait to see what this blog becomes, and I know it will be amazing. Just wait... I mean I can't even do that!! I know that this will be the best thing ever!!
I have realized that sitting back and thinking about all the things you are grateful for makes everything so much better. I know this is a little random, but one thing about me, is that I tend to be random sometimes. I am so grateful for my friends. For my amazing boyfriend who just makes life happen. I am so blessed to have him in my life, he is my best friend and i can always count on him. I am so grateful to be getting an education, to be able to dance at an amazing university, to have the best family ever, and I guess in short, I am grateful that I am alive!! I can't wait to see what this blog becomes, and I know it will be amazing. Just wait... I mean I can't even do that!! I know that this will be the best thing ever!!
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